We talk to you often of being grounded as this is part of human existence. But you resist. Remember we have chosen to have a human life to learn and evolve; your body and the physical world is therefore important, so do not take it for granted. Be in your body and honour it for it is amazing.
Your Soul has a plan which your body allows it to fulfil. When you seek to be free of the body you disempower your Soul. Being present in your life needs you to be present in your body, so Ground! Reconnect to Mother Earth and Nature and draw on their vitality and strength. Focus on being centred by using the breath and your intention.
Feel your feet on the ground and know that is where they are meant to be. Grounding supports your connection to your Soul and its plan; allowing you to move out of confusion and into clarity.
The above piece is written by Master Chou, via inspirational or automatic writing. Originally published on Master Chous Wordpress blog - 22 October 2013
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