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How I know what Spirit will speak about in a trance lecture

How I know what Spirit will speak about in a trance lecture

As a trance medium, my job is to get out of the way and let Spirit speak. However, this poses a problem at times, when it comes to knowing what they want to talk about. I am fortunate that as a trance medium, I get to do - one to one consultations, healing sessions, demonstrations, seminars, masterclasses and lectures.

Consultations are easy, whilst training and developing my relationship with Master Chou, it became clear what he wanted to do and how he wanted to work. The trance healing sessions have evolved in much the same way. Demonstrations are straight forward, as a mental medium I am used to standing on a platform giving messages, moving over to Chou speaking instead was simple.

It got tricker when they wanted to start delivering lectures can you believe we did out first one back in January 2010. Master Chou had begun to give short talks, but a lecture was a big step. How would l know what they wanted to talk? Chou and I had started doing some automatic writing, this now developed further; along with a dialogue between Chou and me.

Chou starts to give me a nudge, an inspired thought that keeps repeating and let me know he wants to give me more. I can then sit quietly and let me speak to me - starting to build an idea about the subject e.t.c. So, now I have the premise, but that is a long way from having the description and title e.t.c.

The first time they impressed the idea of a lecture it was a daunting task. Spirit wanted to talk about enlightenment. But, a lecture is 60-80 minutes long! We had only done a talk for about 30 minutes at that time. [Chou and I did an hour or more for consultations, a lecture was different.] It needed a leap of faith.

I sat and let Master Chou write the description and title. At that time, I had a sense that The Oracle wanted to speak, but we were still in the early stages of that relationship at that time. Once Chou had given me the description, I took the leap and offered it to the College of Psychic Studies, and they said yes. I can tell you there was an 'OMG, what have I done' moment when they said yes. But, I trusted Spirit, I trusted Chou.

When I look back at that first lecture and compare it to what they do now WOW, the work has changed so much. Needless to say, my first trance lecture was shorted than nowadays. The Oracle spoke for about 40 minutes, and then Master Chou took questions from the audience for the remaining time. It went well. Since then, we have delivered a further 10 lectures.

Sometimes The Oracle speaks, sometime Master Chou - they work it about between them, and I don't always know which it will be. I don't always need to know. In 2011, Master Chou started his Twitter feed with his weekly tweet. Little did I know at the time that was to help me develop the writing with him and The Oracle. There is an ease to it now, which makes writing the descriptions for lectures, masterclasses e.t.c so much simpler.

I have a notebook and pen on my most of the time and jot down ideas, inspirations and let Chou write. Over the years, it has been invaluable. They had given me information about lectures (masterclasses e.t.c) they want to deliver soon and some when the time was right. For instance, Peace: for the inner and outer world - they had written about that one 4-5 years earlier, but the timing wasn't right.

My next trance lecture - The Story of Incarnation (8 December 2020) is another one that has waited for the right timing. The earlier notes about that one go back 6 or 7 years, including the title jotted down on its own. The lecture will also cover way more than I initially thought and for the first time, Master Chou and The Oracle are sharing it, and I know that in advance.

The trance lectures are a rare and beautiful thing. Spirit really give them so much thought. They have a beginning, a middle and an end. There is no waffle. They speak with care and compassion, wanting to assist us in our journey as individuals, as the human race and as unique souls.

You can find out about my upcoming lecture on the Event page. Also, don't worry that you missed the previous lectures - the recordings are available for sale in my shop.

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Hashtags: #TranceMedium #SoulPurpose #Reincarnation #SpiritCommunication #MasterChou

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Lovely insight! Thanks so much, I'm sure so many will appreciate it :) Light to you and Master Chou.

Leo Bonomo

Get your FREE ebook: 31 Days of Wisdom - by Master Chou


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