Sarah has written an easy to follow eBook about the Aura. Why? Because it is a vital part of you and directly affects your well-being. Suppose you move in spiritual circles or are interested in wellness. In that case, you will have come across material and teachings about the Chakras. Sadly, this has become the norm, dominating the available information and regulating the more critical part of your energy system.
The Aura is more critical than the Chakras and impacts your life more than you know. Much focus goes into clearing your Chakras and being heart-centred, but this is ineffective if your Aura is not healthy and balanced. Why - because your Chakras link to your Aura, not the other way around. They take their cue from what is happening in the Aura.
Life experiences, traumas, physical injuries, and limiting beliefs affect your Aura, creating imbalances and damage. If you wound your body, you seek to heal it as quickly as possible, but when your Aura is wounded, do you do anything about it? Did you even know that you could? Would you know it had happened?
Symptoms of an out-of-balance Aura -
In this eBook, you will gain a deeper understanding of what your Aura is and the part it plays in your life. You will get easy to follow exercise that you can slot into your life effortlessly and have a greater sense of being in control of your energy.
Sarah designed the eBook to be read in a day and act as a reference book that you can go to whenever you need.
About this eBook -
The eBook is available to purchase in several formats - MOBI (for Kindle users), E-PUB (for iBooks and other eReader users).
You can purchase your copy in the SHOP. Once purchased you will receive an email with the link to download your copy.
Click below to read the Introduction to GET REAL: About you and your Aura.
Thank you so very much for the ebook. I just wanted to let you know that having initially read it front to back ... I am working through it daily and endeavouring to learn and put into practice the lessons. I always knew my understanding of both the Aura and Soul was sketchy at best but now feel myself to be massively informed by comparison. My comprehension growing consistently with daily meditation and not least washing my aura ... who knew what a massive and very positive difference that would make to my connection with both Spirit and myself.
Pam Peterson, UK
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