

Updates are made to this glossary when new information becomes available. Sarah also shares her understanding and personal experience in her posts on Social Media - check out her Facebook and Instagram feeds.

Sarah shares this information with you freely; based on her understanding and experience. She does not claim that this information is the only truth. Should you disagree with it, please disregard it. You are responsible for how you use this information and apply it to your life. The lexicon is for reference only.

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Akashic Records

Subtle material underlying all life that contains a recording of every thought, action, and event that has, or will ever take place on Earth. The information contained in these records is available to adepts and qualified sensitive.

Your Soul is a small fragment of the Spirit being you truly are, leaving behind the greater portion in Spirit. This is referred as your Higher Self. Your Higher Self holds all the information of every lifetime and experience you have ever had - therefore it is your akashic record by another name.

See Higher Self

Angels / Archangels

Divine attendant, being or messenger between Earth and heaven (Spirit plane [realm]), and links you with the highest good.

Angelic beings have never had a human experience, even though they are often depicted in a human form. Angels can take any form when they show themselves to us. Generally, they use a form that we will accept and not frighten us.

There are many named Angels and Archangels, all connecting to humanity for our highest good and betterment. One of Sarah's favourite reference books is Gustav Davidson's "A Dictionary of Angels".


Appearance, especially of a startling kind of a discarnate Spirit (or Soul).


Materialisation of an object out of thin air. Typical apports include small stones or objects, plants or flowers.

See Physical Phenomena

Ascended Master

A great spiritual teacher or healer has been human and had several lifetimes on Earth, and who continues to help humanity from the Spirit plane (realm).

Ascended Masters work very closely with the Angelic Realm, and give them insight into being human. There are meant to be 22 Ascended Masters and they all resonate with different purposes and intentions. If you want to learn more about them Doreen Virtue's "Archangels & Ascended Masters" is a good starting point.


The process of fully remembering one's unity with God (creator, divine, source) and the one Spirit that unites all people. Ascension is being used more often now, where previously people spoke about spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

Astral Plane

The realm of dreams and illusions, and is supposed to be where the spiritual essence of a physical being travels to in sleep and after death.

Master Chou describes this slightly differently. He calls it the layer between the physical and spiritual planes (realms). A layer where the two blend together but it is neither one or the other.

Our Astral Body can travel there as it is light enough too but it can travel no further. Spirit Guides will also sometimes meet you in the Astral layer to teach you or communicate.

The Astral plane (realm) is often regarded as negative, but with all things in existence it is both positive and negative. The Astral layer gets a bad press because it is misunderstood.

See Subtle Bodies

Astral Projection

Also known as an "out of body experience" or "OBE" or "astral travel" the feeling that a person has separated from the physical body. The Astral body is light enough to leave your aura and travel around the physical plane (realm) and into the Astral plane (realm).

This can happens spontaneously, or when your Spirit Guides want to communicate with you. It can also happen by design; we would not recommend astral travel without an understanding of what you are doing and why.

See Subtle Bodies


The human aura is divided into several layers. The aura is an energy field that surrounds you and emanates from your Soul. An aura reader will look at the colour and shape of your aura and give you information about your personality, character, health and spiritual development.

The aura is vital to our well-being and can be affect by trauma (physical, emotional or mental) and by your mind-set, other peoples energy and the environment around you.

Sarah has written an eBook about the aura - Get Real: About you and your aura - it is available to purchase by clicking on this link.


Drawings done by a Psychic Artist, of your aura as a reading. The diagram can give information about your personality and current situation. They are often very colourful and can shed light on things that need your attention and your well-being. Often they include symbols: flowers, animals and references to past experiences or loved ones. They may also contain information from your guides.

See Psychic Art

Automatic Writing

Writing or typing produced by a medium while in an altered state of consciousness. "Facsimile writing" occurs when the medium reproduces the signature and/or writing style of a deceased person.

Automatic writing is now being used a lot more as an umbrella term and it can describe Spirit writing done through a medium in many different levels of altered consciousness from light channelling to deep trance.

Check out the article written by Sarah on Automatic Writing by clicking this link.

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The process in trance mediumship where Spirit merge with mediums energy field (aura).


Chakra centre located between the eyes. Also known as the "third eye".

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Small, enclosed space where a medium sits to condense spiritual energy so that a Spirit materialisation may take place. The cabinet is based on the Native American conjuring lodge.

A trance cabinet is still used today to condense spiritual energy but for more than just materialisation. It is also sometimes called the "black box" as it is generally black in colour. This is not only for Spirit's benefit but for the audiences; you can see energy better against a black or white background depending on the lighting.

Few, trance mediums use it in its original form with a front curtain. They are generally made of a wooden frame covered in black fabric. You can also get a Copper Pyramids which also condense spiritual energy and these are made of copper pipe, similar to a meditation pyramid.


Energy centre of the life force in a person's aura, where energy is taken in and flows out. [Chakra is Sanskrit for Wheel]. There are seven main energy centres - Crown, Brow, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral and Root.

Want to know more? Master Chou delivered a lecture about the human energy system - Evolving your Energy - purchase a copy from our downloads shop by clicking on this link.


Channelling is a lighter form of physical mediumship to trance as Spirit do not blend as deeply with the medium or take over as much control of their energy system. Channelling is becoming more popular for both mediums and Spirit as it takes less strain on the mediums body and is easier to do in public arenas.

It is often confused with trance mediumship as to an untrained eye it can look similar. Channelling is also being used as a word to describe mental mediumship where proof of survival is not given, but this is not an accurate use.

Check out the article written by Sarah on channelling - Channelling and Trance Mediumship - click on this link.


A development circle is a group of people who meet regularly, usually in a sitting circle, and follow seance procedures under the guidance of a developed medium in order to improve their psychic and mediumistic abilities. Nowadays, no one does it under seances procedures anymore.

Circles can be "Open" or "Closed". Be sure to enquire which one they are before joining. Open means anyone can join at anytime; often these types of circle are for the curious. Closed means that everyone has been interviewed by the circle leader and there will be a limited number of members who are dedicated to developing. Most development occurs in a Closed Circle.


Ability to distinguish sounds from Spirit. The term derives from French and means "clear-hearing".


Ability to physically feel emotions and physical sensations as well as to sense smells and tastes. The term derives from French and means "clear-sensing".


Ability to perceive Spirit beings, objects, people and events over time and space. The term derives from French and means "clear-seeing".


Chakra centre located just above the top of the head.


A Spirit being, not a guide, who comes to talk to humanity, via inspirational speaking, automatic writing, channelling or trance mediumship.

Master Chou is a Spirit Communicator - for more information about him, click on ABOUT in the menu bar above


A natural form of mineral that comes in various different kinds and colours. Each crystal is known to have properties for healing physical aliments and emotional problems.

Crystal Healing

A form of healing that uses the energy and properties of crystals to heal the client/patient.

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A deva is a good, shining Spirit who is often very tall. Their concern is with trees, rocks, plants, animals and the four elements. They work to maintain a balance between humanity and all other living things.

Direct Voice

A form of physical mediumship where the voice of the Spirit is heard within the room. The sound is not being produced by the medium.

See Physical Phenomena


Any Spirit being that is not in a physical body and incarnate on Earth.


The art of prognostication, foretelling the future and analysing character. The diviner can become aware of past, present, and future events.


Of, from, like God or a god; sacred; superhumanly excellent, gifted or beautiful.


Your doorkeeper stands behind your left hand shoulder. This Spirit guide's purpose is protecting you. Think of them as your personal bodyguard against unseen energies.

See Spirit Guides


Also knows as "Rhabdomancy". The technique for finding water, minerals, oil, buried treasure, pipes etc. by holding a pendulum or dowsing rods between the hands and walking slowly over the ground.

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Whitish, viscous substance produced by Spirit so they can assume/create physical shapes. Ectoplasm extrudes from orifices of mediums' bodies. It is said to emanate an odour similar to ozone. Ectoplasm is used to form apparitions and masks for transfiguration.

See Physical Phenomena

Earthbound Soul

When we die the Soul returns to the Spirit plane (realm). On occasion (rarely) the Soul does not cross back to Spirit and gets stuck in what is sometimes called limbo. They are then referred to as an earthbound spirit or soul. A Spirit release practitioner can assist the soul in returning to the Spirit plane (realm) where they belong.

See Spirit Release

Empathic / Empathy

The ability to feel another persons emotions and/or to project your emotions to another person.


Force, activity, ability of matter or radiation to do work. An unseen force emanates from Spirit, crystals and all other living things.


An entity is a being without a physical body. Interchangeable with discarnate. It does not necessarily have a negative meaning, though the term has become associated with ghosts, haunting, possession and attachments.

See Spirit Release


Acronym for "extrasensory perception"; the ability to perceive information without using the normal five senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. Also used as an umbrella term for paranormal abilities such as telepathy and telekinesis.

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Fairies (Fae)

Small mythical beings with magical powers who care about Mother Earth.


Trust; unquestioning confidence; strong belief, especially in religious doctrines.

Floating Trumpet

Device that looks like a trumpet that appears to float in the air of its own accord during a seance. Spirits are thought to use the trumpet to magnify their voices.

See Seance Trumpet

Flower Essences

Tinctures or liquids made from flowers that contain the energy of the flower for the purpose of healing on emotional and physical levels.

Flower Readings

A variation of Psychometry where the person chooses a flower, holds it to the leave their energy behind and then the reader tunes into this energy to give the reading.

See Psychometry

Fortune Teller

A person who uses intuition and divination tools to give the querent/person information about themselves and their future.

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Gem Essences

Liquids made from gem stones or crystals which contain the energy and healing properties of the stone used.


Believed to be an apparition of a dead person or animal, disembodied Spirit.

This word has several interpretations. Sarah explains it as follows - A ghost is an energetic echo or imprint on a place. Generally of heightened emotional incident or moment. E.g the grey lady in a rocking hair in a room crying. This is an imprint of that moment. It does not vary, move or interact with the living. This can be clearer by a Spirit Release Practitioner or a Healer.


The process or act of anchoring yourself to the Earth in a Spiritual sense, usually done by visualising yourself growing roots from your feet into the Earth.

Sarah has recorded a guided visualisation - Grounding - it is available to purchase in the downloads shop by clicking on this link

Guardian Angel

An angelic being that walks with an individual through your time on Earth, as a guide and protector.

See Spirit Guides


Guardian Spirit that oversees one's daily activities, warns of impending danger, and may provide guidance and information. Guides will assist us in learning our life lessons and protect us.

See Spirit Guides

Guided Meditation

A mediation that is guided e.g. described to the person by another, usually taking the form of a visualised journey. Often used to help with self-healing and exploration.

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Frequent visits by a ghost/s or earthbound Soul (in Limbo).

See Ghost


Chakra centre located in the centre of the chest at the bottom of the breastbone.

Higher Self

Often regarded as the God-force within; the spiritual essence of the self that links the individual to Divinity.

Sarah and Master Chou explain it as follows - When a Spirit being chooses to have a human incarnation they break a fragment or piece of themselves off. This piece will incarnate in a physical body. Once that happens the fragment is referred to as the Lower Self or Soul. The remainder, in Spirit, is now referred to as the Higher Self. The use of Lower Self has vanished, leading to some of the confusion.

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I Ching

Chinese method of divination practiced for a least the last millennium. Built around the hexagrams formed by casting yarrow sticks. The meanings are derived according to ancient Taoist and Buddhist books of wisdom.

See Divination


A name given to describe certain children born with greater knowledge and understanding. The concept was first postulated in the 1970s.

Inspirational Speaking

A form of mental mediumship whereby Spirit inspire the medium with words to convey a message or give a talk.


Ability to know or learn something immediately, such as perception or insight, without having recourse to conscious reasoning.

More accurately relating to the inner voice of your Soul guiding you in this lifetime. Sometimes also referred to as gut feeling.

See Soul

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Sum of a person's thoughts and deeds in a specific existence (known as an "incarnation") that are said to determine the conditions of one's life, for better or worse.

Master Chou explains that karma is often misunderstood and relates to the fact that you should not judge another, as in a lifetime (past or future) you may well act or do what they are doing now. This is based on the fact that you learn lessons from every aspect - victim and villain, for instance.

Want to know more? Master Chou delivered a masterclass called - Spiritual Laws - purchase a copy of the recording in the downloads shop by clicking on this link.

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A term used for the energy that comes from the a Spirit being or the Spirit plane (realm). Occasionally, seen around people whilst they are connected to Spirit.


A person who feels called to help Earth and humanity in a way that uses spiritual energy. For instance, a lightworker might feel called upon to engage in healing, teaching, or artistic work to help make the planet a better place.

Life Purpose

Each physical incarnation comes with lessons to learn and/or a reason, something you wish to achieve for the highest good whilst incarnate.

See Soul Contract

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One of the Spiritual Laws dealing with our ability to manifest or create what we need in this lifetime. Our Soul has ability to manifest what we need. Connected to the Law of Attraction and the ida of Cosmic Ordering.

Want to know more? Master Chou delivered a lecture about manifesting - The Art of Manifestation - purchase a copy of the recording in the downloads shop by clicking on this link.


Appearance of an object or Spirit from nowhere, occurring during a seance. The purpose of a materialisation in a seance is to prove that Spirit beings are present and communicating with humanity.

See Physical Phenomena


An exercise in contemplation and quieting the mind in order to find peace and answers to questions from your inner voice (Soul). There are many forms from Buddhist to Transcendental. There are health benefits such as reducing blood pressure.


In Spiritualism, one who acts as an intermediary between the world of the living and the spiritual dimension. An individual who acts as a channel for information communicated from Spirit.

Mental Mediumship

Mediumship has two forms - Mental (mind to mind) and Physical (energy to energy) this denotes how and where Spirit are working the medium. Mental mediumship includes clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience - where Spirit convey information through the mediums mind (and body) from the Spirit plane (realm). Also included in mental mediumship are inspirational speaking and writing, and overshadowing.

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New Age

Term coined in 1980s refers astrology, mysticism, Shamanism, natural healing, reincarnation, self-help, and other forms of spiritual enlightenment / concepts.


The study of numbers to predict future events and to show strengths and weaknesses of character. In numerology, letters of the alphabet carry numerical equivalents, which in turn, are considered to be fraught with symbolism.

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Things or occurrence taken as a sign of some future event; an augury; a prognostication; a presage. Omens are divided into two categories: those found commonly in nature, like the flight of birds; and unusual occurrences in nature, like meteors and eclipses.


This occurs when a Spirit draws very close to a medium and wraps themselves around a mediums aura and impress ideas and thoughts in the mediums mind. Often mistaken for trance mediumship; actually part of mental mediumship.

See Mental Mediumship

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Alleged to have originated in India and brought to the West either by Gypsies or by Aristotle. This character reading and medical diagnostic science is based on reading the size and shape of the hand as well as the lines and other distinguished marks on the palms.

Past Life

Relates to previous incarnations a Soul/Spirit being has had in the physical plane (realm).


Also known as "Radiesthesia". Where a small weighted object, is attached to a string or chain and allowed to swing free to answer "yes/no" questions. This is a good technique with which beginners can hone their psychic skills.

See Dowsing

Physical Mediumship

Mediumship has two forms - Mental (mind to mind) and Physical (energy to energy) this denotes how and where Spirit are working the medium. Physical mediumship is most often used to describe trance mediumship that produces physical phenomena. Such as: transfiguration, rappings, direct voice, apparitions and so on. This often use ectoplasm and are curried under strict circumstances such as darkness and silence.

Physical Phenomena

The term given to any form of mediumship where Spirit appear, create apports, table tipping, rapping's or in-direct or direct voice, transfiguration and ectoplasm; the medium will be in an altered state (trance mediumship).

See Trance Mediumship


A term often used to describe giving a public demonstration of mediumship in either a spiritualist church or other venue.


A term used to describe a blending between a person and Spirit or earthbound Soul (Limbo) that is not agreeable or willing.

See Spirit Release


Foreknowledge of future events without recourse to the normal five senses or any other physical means.


Forewarning; intuitive, paranormal awareness of something that is about to happen, often a warning of danger or death.


Vision or prediction of the future of humankind made under the influence of divine guidance. To "prophesy" means to make such a prediction; that is, speak as a prophet.


Your aura acts as a protective layer but you can also visualise other forms of protection to keep you safe from psychic attack or negative energies or thoughts. Your Doorkeeper or Gatekeeper provides protection from unseen energies.

See Doorkeeper


The ability to read the energy of the physical plane (realm) as part of our survival instinct. It can be honed to give more in-depth understanding and detail about a person and their life.

Also, a person who is sensitive to paranormal occurrences, or who demonstrates a faculty for paranormal abilities such as telepathy, precognition and the ability to see auras.

Psychic Art

Part of mental mediumship whereby the medium's guide aids in the drawing of a portrait or picture for the querent. This may be added to by clairvoyant information. The pictures are often of a persons loved one or Spirit guide. There are several types of Psychic Art including Spirit portraits and auragraphs.

Psychic Attack

This is where a person uses their psychic ability, knowingly or unknowingly, to harm another, usually in the form of negative energy or thought forms which can cause damage to the aura, emotions or a persons mind-set. A very good book on the subject is Spirit Release by Sue Allen.

See Spirit Release

Psychic Surgery

A form of spiritual healing whereby surgery is performed. The patient feels nothing even though matter is being removed. It can be done in various way - using the healers energy or done by Spirit.


The art and science of touching or holding a small object and extracting information as to the character, surroundings, history or influence about the object itself or its owner. Typical objects used are jewellery.

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Inquirer; the individual who comes to have a tarot, psychic reading or a mediumship sitting; client.

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Sharp knocks with no apparent physical cause, purportedly made by the Spirit of a deceased person in the presence of a medium. Spirits are said to communicate by these rapping's and answer the querent questions; such as one knock for yes and two knocks for no.


A term used to describe a session when a person comes to see a psychic for information or guidance.


Doctrine that the Soul (Spirit) is reborn into a different body (incarnation) after death.


A form of healing using energy from the Universe and done by applying hands to the client/patient.

Remote Viewing

Ability to perceive at a distance real scenes in progress and tell what is going on, where and who is involved.

Rescue Work/Circle

This form of mediumship specialises in releasing Souls that have not crossed over and are in limbo (earthbound). The mediums will help the lost Soul to go to the light and pass over to the spiritual plane (realm). The medium is often in a trance.


Chakra centre located below the genitalia.


Form of divination done by casting stones on the ground that are marked with special symbols. Originated in ancient times in Scandinavia, Britain, and the Germanic cultures, and is steeped in myth and tradition.

See Divination

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Chakra Centre located between the navel and genitals.


Gazing at the surface of a crystal ball, black mirror, still pool of water, or any smooth, polished surface in order to obtain messages about the future. Form of divination.


Meeting of individuals, often Spiritualists, who usually sit in a circle around a table and attempt to contact Spirits of the dead. The communication often comes through a trance medium.

See Trance Mediumship

Seance Trumpet

Device that looks like a trumpet that appears to float in the air of its own accord during a seance. Spirits are thought to use the trumpet to magnify their voices.

Check out the article written by Sarah on trumpets - Reflections on the seance trumpet - click on this link.

Second Sight

Old Scottish term referring to the ability to sense events at a distance in time and space, often in symbolic imagery. Another name for Psychic ability.

See Psychic


A witch-doctor or priest claiming to communicate with Gods. More commonly used to describe Native American sages who connected to the Earth and Animals.


A term used to describe a session when a person/querent goes to see a medium for information, proof of life or guidance.

Sarah offers trance consultations with Master Chou - for more information click on this link.

Sixth Sense

Perception beyond the range of the normal five senses, hence its name. Another name for Psychic ability.

See Psychic

Solar Plexus

Chakra centre located between the bottom of the breastbone and the navel.


Sarah and Master Chou explain it as follows - When a Spirit being chooses to have a human incarnation they break a fragment or piece of themselves off. This piece will incarnate in a physical body. Once that happens the fragment is referred to as the Lower Self or Soul. The remainder, in Spirit, is now referred to as the Higher Self. The Soul knows what it is hear to learn and is autonomous once incarnated. It then guides/drives your life, manifesting what you need and what experience you are hear to learn from.

Sarah has recorded a guided visualisation - Meeting your Soul - it is available to purchase in the downloads shop by clicking on this link.

Soul Coaching

Work that connects you to your Soul, higher self and your life purpose and helps you understand the obstacles you have put in your way and help you move forward on your journey.

Soul Contract

Before you incarnate you create a contract with yourself which outlines the lessons you have come to learn in this human lifetime.

Master Chou prefers to call this a book as this is less rigid. The idea of a contract becomes very limiting as it feels as we have not choice but of course we do as we have free will. There are lessons and experience the Soul wants to have and it will be guiding us towards them. However, our free will can also manifest and that can take us of course or for time simply divert us.

Want to know more? Master Chou delivered a lecture about the Soul - The Soul's Journey - purchase a copy of the recording in the downloads shop by clicking on this link.

Space Clearing

Clearing negative energy out of a specific place, such as a home, office, room, temple, backyard or front yard.

Sarah has recorded a guided visualisation - Space Clearing - it is available to purchase in the downloads shop by clicking on this link.

See Spirit Release


Non-physical conscious energy beings that exists in the Spirit plane (realm) and choose to have incarnations in the physical plane (realm) in order to continue to evolve and grow.

Check out the article written by Sarah on Spirit - 10 things you always wants to know about Spirit - click on this link.

Spirit Guides

They are Spirit's or Souls (in reflection) who have agreed to support your Soul in this lifetime. You have three who are with you for your entire life - The Main Guide, The Doorkeeper and the Guardian Angel.

Sarah has recorded a guided visualisation - Meeting your Spirit Guides - it is available to purchase in the downloads shop by clicking on this link.

Spirit Release

Clearing a negative energy out of a person or animal's body and aura. Also removing negative energies from places and buildings. Also removing attachments from peoples auras and cord cutting. A very good book on the subject is Spirit Release by Sue Allen.

Spiritual Healing

A form of healing that uses Spiritual energy from the Spirit plane (realm) that is channelled through the healer to the client/patient.


Philosophical, socioreligious doctrine developed in the nineteenth century that revolves around the belief that the dead survive in some form as Spirit that can be contacted by the living through the agency of a medium.

Want to know more? Master Chou delivered a lecture about spirituality - What is Spirituality? - purchase a copy of the recording in the downloads shop by clicking on this link.

Subtle Bodies

This refers to the layers within the aura. They are distinct and vary in vibration getting lighter as they radiate outwards from the physical body (flesh). There are seven subtle bodies - physical, emotional, mental, astral, etheric, spiritual and causal.

Sarah has devised an intuitive coaching program for Subtle Body Realignment, where she works with clients to heal and realign their Subtle Bodies, Aura and Chakras. Find out more by clicking on this link.

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Table Tipping

Popular during the heyday of Spiritualism, this mode of divination counts on the participation of Spirit. Sitting around a small table with your hands resting on it lightly, invoke Spirit. The Spirit announces themselves by raising or tipping the table. Alternatively rapping once for "yes" and twice for "no" on the table.

See Rappings


Also known as "Cartomancy". Divination using tarot cards, which include the minor arcana and twenty-two major arcana, whose symbolism is tied into the Cabalistic Tree of Life. There is a vast array of tarot decks available to purchase that use different visual symbols, belief systems and names; they are all based on the original Raider-Waite pack.

Tea Leaf Reading

Also know as "Tasseography". The ancient Chinese art of interpreting the patterns left by tea leaves in the bottom of a teacup for the purpose of divination.


The ability to move objects by thought.



Mind-to-mind transference of thought, feelings, and images between a sender and a receiver.


Third Eye

Chakra centre located between the eyes. Also known as the "brow".


Chakra centre located in the throat between the collar bones.

Trance Medium

A medium who works in an altered state of consciousness and allows a Spirit communicator to blend with their energy and physical body for the purpose of communication or healing.

Trance mediums are often referred to as light or deep (full), this relates to their conscious state whilst working.

Trance Mediumship

Direct Spirit communication delivered by blending with a medium in an altered state of consciousness. While in this state an individual will be willing under the control of a Spirit being or Soul.

Check out the article written by Sarah on trance - Trance Mediumship for the 21st Century - click on this link.

Trance Healing

A form of Spiritual healing whereby the healer is in a trance state (altered state) allowing the Spirit being to take control of the their body and channel the healing energy into the client/patient.

Trance healing offers Spirit the opportunity to work with a client/patient at a deeper level (often focusing on emotional & spiritual issues/traumas) and to remove some of the natural interference created by the healers own body and energy.

Sarah offers distant trance healing - for more information click this link.


Part of physical mediumship this refers to a Spirit's face appearing over the mediums face. Traditionally this was achieved by creating an ectoplasmic mask that overplayed the mediums face and took the shape and form of the Spirit's face. Nowadays it has other variants including - "perceived" where the viewer perceives the face in their mind's eye and "muscular" where the mediums facial muscles and shape changed to match (become similar too) the Spirit'.

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Word used by Spirit to describe the trance medium they are speaking through.

Vibrational Medicine

A form of alternative therapy that deals with energy imbalances and corrects them using flower and/or gem essences.


The ability to create pictures in your minds eye; used in guided exercises to connect to Spirit or your subconscious for the purpose of connection, learning or healing.

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Speaking or writing in a language you do not know - often by "paranormal" means like trance mediumship.

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Last updated October 2019



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